mercredi 24 août 2016

G-SYNC at 60Hz on laptops 1080p vs 4K ?

For me there is no scaling issues except old Unreal Engine 4 which had "bug" when used scaling. But it was UE4 issue and was solved.
Some icones are smaller, but everything is readable and sharp. You will have no issues and will be able to put x4 more data on display. It's quite useful, for example in World of Warcraft I have small "world annihilation control center".

Look on my video, here you should see proportions on 17'3 4K Display when scaled to 1080p by youtube. Personally I love it since it covers less space and it's even easier to read. Didn't scaled it up.
*Remember: If you scale 4K youtube to 1080p display it won't be sharp on video, since it will convert 4 pixels into 1 (huge quality loss). So don't be afraid.

Summarizing issues/problems/dislikes you may face:
- Smaller icones (can be scaled)
- Smaller game UI (in most modern games can be scaled to 200%, like AW, WoW etc) // but it still will be readable and sharp leaving you more display space.
- Some launchers aren't scaling (like World of Tanks one, but World of Warships, etc works fine).
- You may think that image can't be so sharp (and doesn't need AA) and you will check your coffee for drugs.

You will need some time (month I guess) to get used to this display (but after any change you need some time). This is positive one.
I'm very happy with my single 980M and 4K screen, with 1070 should be pretty nice since it's 50% more powerful.

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G-SYNC at 60Hz on laptops 1080p vs 4K ?

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